Thursday, September 30, 2010

video embedding 'cause i can

1.) First order of business

I don't expect you to watch all of this. God knows, I don't think anyone's even reading this crap to begin with. But if you will do me a small favor, go to 2:22 on the video and you shall see what your malevolent hostess can do: saddle with the feet turned out. Booya on the awesome internal rotation of the femur, bitches. And yet, I can't balance on one leg for shit. We all have our anatomical strengths. And weaknesses. As god is my witness, I will do a pistol squat by next September, however.

2.) Second order of business

Speaking of anatomy? You know how I said my new vein was on the medial side of my forearm. I would like to amend that, because if I were in anatomical position, it'd technically be on the lateral side. For those of you who never sat through any semesters of A&P, lemme just simplify: thumb side. Andrea, why didn't you just say that? Damned if I know!

3.) Third order of business

Totally not anatomy-related, but instead, literarily-related. I am reading The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and I would like to recommend it to you all. How there was a recent Pulitzer Prize winning novel about Dominicanos and I knew nothing about it is a mystery and, also, a sign I should be reading more and looking at yoga and weight-lifting video less. However, I think if I had read this book in 2007 when it came out, before I really got to know Our Lil MILF and heard her stories about the DR, I don't think I would have appreciated it to the extent I do now. It's a complex book, shifting back and forth in time and switching between several POVs, but it's funny, it's tragic, it's fascinating (especially in illustrating a portion of history I bet very little of us know anything about). And the author uses footnotes and addresses his readers with friendly profanity as, y'know, do I! So if you like The Adventures, you can read a book that's about a thousand times better, but written in much the same voice. No video embedding, though.



Uncle said...

OK, I *thought* that's where the vein was. I've been feeling a bit vulnerable in the new job and it's nice to know I'm right sometimes.

As for saddle position. This is good, but if you muck about in Google you can find one or two saddle poses that are even more extreme (like with hands calmly folded under the privates). I congratulate you very much. If I tried that, odds are they would be burying me that way.

malevolent andrea said...

There's always somebody around who knows when you've screwed up on anatomical position! ;-)