Monday, September 13, 2010

the height of narcissism

And this is a quote from someone else's blog:

One thing as I have been going back and forth I have been seeking God's thoughts on the matter. I truly don't think he cares WHAT we eat, as long as we don't focus on it more then Him. Today He gently whispered "I never promised you a size.... BUT I did promise you a slim body line." I was overjoyed!To me it was a confirmation that I needed. Was it really His voice? I think so. I guess only time will tell.

I hate to shit on anyone's deeply held religious beliefs, but when you start thinking the Creator of the Universe is talking to you about your weight loss plans perhaps you need to get the fuck over yourself.

Wait! I'm having a vision! God does want me to have Ines Sainz's ass. He plans on appearing to Liz in a dream tonight (or maybe a burning elliptical machine--plans aren't firmed up yet) and telling her to get right on that.



Anonymous said...

Hey, the ruler of the universe first told Terry Jones to burn Korans and then s/he told him not to. If you're on the A-list--or have the right smart phone--God doesn't just leave you mired in doubt of his/her intentions.

Uncle said...

If you have Ines' ass, will you still have the Polish catcher's thighs, in which case you'd be back where you started :>

Which only means we have to listen carefully when creators speak. Seems like there is often a "but..." that we overlook.

malevolent andrea said...

1.) If I were a wingnut, I *might* just be able to convince myself the the Creator of the Universe cares about things like burning or not burning other people's religious texts. But believing the Supreme Being cares about whether you fit into your skinny jeans or not? That takes a special kind of self-absorbed grandiosity!

2.) If I can have the ass I had when I was 19, I'll take the thighs too!