Wednesday, September 8, 2010

i like mikey

I have not gone to a Red Sox game for many years (certainly not since they won that first World Series) for a variety of reasons, most having had to do with not being able to afford it. I say that not to whine about the fact that when I finally make another appearance at Fenway, they get annihilated--because, really, it was a meaningless game and a beautiful evening, so who's complaining? I say that because it will explain to you why I didn't know something that will come up later in this very blog entry.

Can I tell you that the front row of the right field roof box is actually a very nice place to watch the game from? You can see what's going on in the bullpens and in the infield very well. But most importantly if you are me, you have a great view of Mr Mike Lowell playing first, which allows you to yell "Mikey!" in approval every time he puts someone out. Now you all know I am very fond of Mr Lowell for many reasons, not least because I have a lovely fantasy in which he and I drink mojitos on the veranda of the plantation he does not own and then he performs oral sex on me. (And he's not sniffling about his broken ribs, yo!) But just when I thought I could not love him any more, I learned something new by seeing him play live for the first time. Mr Mike Lowell's entrance song is "London Calling."

Mikey is a Clash fan? We can listen to them while we drink those mojitos. It doesn't get any better than that!


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