Monday, September 6, 2010

labuh day, stream of consciousness edition

Do you realize the Y is closed today? Apparently they are honoring the American worker by letting their employees have the day off. Which is swell, but what good does it do me? I ask you. It totally threw my routine out of whack and I had to do my second day of week2 c25k yesterday, after doing day1 on Saturday. Yes, without a rest day. The c25k website would yell at me for this, but you won't tell on me, will you? Anyway, I have been doing some of my yin yoga hip opener stretches after my runs*** and while I am not absolutely positive, I think keeping that fascia nice and stretched out is why I have not been sore the next day, even without a rest day. Ahem. (Are you fascinated yet? Yeah.) But I really wish the gym were open. Not only do I have plenty of time to go since it's a holiday, I could use the chance to get drunk on endorphins today and change up my brain chemistry. Maybe I'll have to settle for the other kind of drunk. What are the odds my friendly neighborhood liquor store gave their employees the day off today too? (Yes, I *do* know it's like 8 am. Do you people need another irony alert tag? God.)

So, Andrea, why couldn't you just do day2 week4 at the gym on Tuesday? Glad you asked! This is really exciting. Now that it is COMPLETELY meaningless, I am going to see the Sox play Tampa tomorrow night. Should be fun, especially since I'm fairly sure they won't be able to bring that asshole Papelbon in to blow a save! On the other hand, I think it's Dice-K starting which is...well, you know. But, in any case, should you watch that mess on TV, look for me in the nosebleed section of right field, yo!

And since we are doing stream of consciousness (you did read the title, didn't you?), let's do a couple more baseball notes. First of all, please say a little prayer, send out good vibes, sacrifice a goat, or whatever it is you do that my poor poor sweet Ubaldo finally wins #18 today. Secondly, we really do need to start getting serious about who we're going to root for in the playoffs. The Rockies are making a run for the NL wild card, but they're 5 1/2 out, so it's a long shot they'll make it. Am I going to be forced to pull for the (Devil) Rays and their unfortunately facial-haired douchey-looking pitching staff, including that asshole Shields? Sigh. If the Rockies don't go nuts for the next three weeks and pull it out, I guess I shall have to root for Cincinnati in the NL so my boy Bronson gets another World Series ring. Yeah, yeah, I know: anyone but the Yankees.


***It cracks me up endlessly that I persist in calling what I'm doing "runs" but "slow jogs" just does not have the same ring to it


Uncle said...

I've fallen behind so while you're figuring out how to get to the Ladies' from your seat, I'll have at it.

There is no, I mean no, way you would ever so sell out as to root for the (Devil) Rays. I always abandon the Dark Side and go back to real baseball when the Sox abandon me....and without fantasy beisbol!

Oh...isn't it a matter of stride, not speed, whether what you do is a run or a walk?

malevolent andrea said...

I'm glad that one of you all sacrificed that goat. Ubaldo thanks you.

So who am I going to support in the playoffs if Colorado doesn't sneak in? I need a team! Mr Indemnity has NOT convinced me to root for Philidelphia, Ryan Howard notwithstanding.

Uncle said...

I sacrifice more goats for my sentimental favourite, the Braves, who might still avoid snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Until they choke, I'll suspend other beliefs.