Saturday, September 11, 2010


So, yeah, I just had the most interesting little talk with Led Zep Girl, who is, as you may or may not remember, our department manager. As such, she officially does my review, though my real boss puts his part in, and I have never really accepted that Led Zep Girl has any authority over me anyway. She barely knows what my job is. (I know, I know, feel free to chip in with similar corporate stories of your own. Ha!) So, anyway, my review is due in August. She is still waiting for my boss to do his part, because he's a big ol' procrastinator, but she asked me today if I wanted to go over the rest of it now or wait till it's all together. I said I'd be fine with waiting, because it's not like we're getting any merit increases this year anyhow. I could care less how they think I'm doing if there's no dollar figure attached. Gold stars ceased to motivate somewhere around third grade, you know?

Now, to backtrack, for those of you who do not know, we have lost two out of 4 1/4 doctors from my department in the last year and a half. One because of serious illness; she basically had to stop practicing. But the other? She left because administration refused to give her a small raise, having worked for the same amount of money for the previous five years and having it in her contract that she was supposed to get a review every year, which had never happened. They have not been able to replace her. Doctors in our specialty are few, and frankly, why come here when you could get paid more and have better opportunities elsewhere? (Nobody knows how much fun we have just from a job interview, yo.) So consequently, my department has tanked and there has not been much work for me. My stats are in the crapper. They are paying me to sit around and type to you all a lot of the time and the clerical staff has been similarly spending a lot of their time on Facebook. If our Lil MILF had not found a better job on her own when she did, she, or the other woman who does exactly what she did, would probably had their whole position cut anyway. And so, I have been patiently waiting for the day when I was told my hours were going to be cut. It seems inevitable if they can't get another MD. *I* wouldn't want to pay me to sit around and look at the internet either.

Well, Led Zep Girl just kind of obliquely suggested that administration did want to cut hours from our department (and mine would obviously be part of) but that as of now, she *thought* we were going to be spared. She pretty much came out and said, without saying, that when she was doing the budget, they told her she was going to have to cut personnel expense and she said no. She wasn't going to do it; if they wanted to cut people's hours *they* were going to have to do it. And it looked like that wasn't gonna happen. (New fiscal year starts in October.) But it seems TO ME like it still might.

The mismanagement of this whole situation and how the upper management destroyed our entire department just to avoid giving one woman a piddly increase stuns me. I don't know how *those* assholes keep their jobs. (And I guess if I lose mine because of it, I'll be pretty pissed!)

But, whatever. I guess never having been unemployed (I know, it's ridiculous), I am fairly laissez faire about the whole thing. I've got plenty o' money-making ideas which are all well and good until I have to, y'know, make any money with them. We'll see how this all plays out.


1 comment:

Uncle said...

Having been unemployed way too often, all I can say is "good luck."