Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Oh god, it's gonna be one of those days where she posts continuously, you're thinking. That is true. Suck it up and deal!

I don't want to be too rainbows and kitten orgasms-y about the whole of today just because Mikey and I were like this [X] last night. (Did I mention I was also yelling "Nancy!" at our right fielder? You knew I would, right?) Nope, I've got other less pleasant things to discuss. Do you know what I did this morning? I cleaned out my refrigerator. This was initiated by the fact that when I opened the brand new carton of cream, dated like October 11, in there this morning, it curdled my coffee. I drank the coffee anyway, because Jesus Christ, I eat yogurt, don't I? and the coffee tasted not bad, but it was in the back of my mind that I may need to throw the whole carton away. Though the Benevolent L told me on the phone shortly afterwards that when that happens, you're supposed to put the cream in the cup first, then the coffee, and all will be well. So I'ma do that tomorrow before I toss it. But meanwhile it made me think of the things in the fridge that really did need tossing, so I got to it. Do you know that a half-eaten tub of hummus dated Feb 2010 still smells and looks absolutely fine? That did not save it, however. And while I was in there, tossing things that would probably give me food poisoning, I sucked it up and started throwing away my dad's food. You would think a person would not cry over putting a tub of Olivio or a jar of strawberry jam into a green trash bag, but there you go. Give me a break. I am very emotionally fragile right now.

Very soon I am going to go finish cleaning my kitchen. I don't think there is anything about scrubbing the floor in there that's going to make me start sobbing, but you never know!



crispix67 said...

Hugs :-) I can see why you cried over the Olivio and jam. It's normal...let the healing tears flow :-)

malevolent andrea said...

Aw, thanks. :-)

I can see being upset over tossing someone's clothes or personal effects, but crying over the condiments they put on their toast is a little much. But, like I said, I'm a mess now anyways. In the interest of full disclosure, I didn't end up washing the floor. Not because I'm emotionally attached to any particular sticky spot or anything ;-), I just ran out of motivation.

Uncle said...

I don't know. When my mother died,my brother was the most fragile, and the one thing he couldn't face was cleaning out the fridge. Let it happen...