Tuesday, September 28, 2010

menos triste

Okay, Evil Kitty's RBCs are up to 22, so she is not backsliding. Yay. I also have more prednisone for her, since the vet agreed that if she was perkier when she was taking it, we should give her some more. On the bad side, she has continued to lose weight and is under eight pounds now. Skinneh, skinneh kitteh. That's what happens when you don't eat, even when you are offered delicacies like human tuna and sandwich meat. I asked the vet whether it's possible for them to starve themselves to death. She hesitated and then said yes. She said (and I wondered) whether the antibiotics are just making Evil Kitty's stomach feel funky and that's why she doesn't want to eat, but she really thinks we should finish the course. And hopefully the prednisone is going to kick in and give her the munchies. The other thing that we're going to do is go ahead and get the kitty echocardiogram that she needs for her enlarged heart. The vet didn't want to do it when her blood count was so low, because the stress of being restrained for that, etc, could have made her go into shock. But now she's strong enough for that and it's important to know whether her heart condition is contributing to her still not eating and not being herself.

So that's the news and the plan.

Can I tell you? As soon as I got her home and let her out of the carrier, she went straight to her dish. So I opened a can of food and she ate half of it. OMFG. She hasn't eaten more than a bite of food or two at a time for two weeks. I feel so much better.



Uncle said...

Resilient, they are. Leave us kittehs won't, until they're good and ready.(Yoda) And not without a meal (moi)

Very relieving.

crispix67 said...

Maybe she heard you guys talking and decided if she ate she might not have to keep going to the vet. Or, maybe she was just hungry. :-)

Either way, hope she continues to eat and get her weight back up.

I just had a thought...were Evil Kitty and your dad close? Maybe she misses him?

malevolent andrea said...

That's exactly what I just said to M2 on the phone! hahahaha She must have figured out if she didn't eat she was gonna keep having to go back to that place that she hates so very, very much.

Evil Kitty used to sleep in my dad's room during the day a lot when he was in there napping and watching TV, so I thought she'd be looking all over for him after he was gone and be upset, but she really didn't/wasn't. Though, I dunno, maybe she could smell on him he was gonna die, so she knew where he went? She loved him like she loves me, which is to say, not NEARLY as much as she loves D.