Sunday, September 5, 2010

manny hair watch, day 4

Sigh. If Man-well's personal barber did in fact come to Boston, it must have been for the tourism. I'm so disappointed. Did he get some kind of special dispensation, like from the Pope, to keep the dreds?

And speaking of the Pope, did you read that Mr Ramirez has found god, and that is why he's a new man and apologizing all over the place for his past bad behavior? Of course, amongst the apologies there's more than a shadow of the old Manuel Aristides who has supplied us with so much entertainment value throughout the years. Did you see the clip on TV? Manny said about seven times in 45 seconds that it was all his fault and it takes a big man to admit it was all his fault. Yes, yes, Man-well, you are indeed a fine specimen of humanity, but don't injure your rotator cuff patting yourself on the back. The White Sox need you healthy.

I also find it endlessly amusing that all these people in the public eye who wish to rehabilitate their images always go for the "I found religion" angle. This was taken to the endpoint of ridiculousness when one Paris Hilton was reading her bible in jail, of course. But really. Does the world need a Manny Ramirez who's accepted Jesus as his personal savior? I think not! The world needs a Manny Ramirez who does crazy shit and sleeps like a baby afterwards.

And the next athlete/actor/politician/reality TV idiot who actually comes out and says instead, "Hey, I was a douchebag, but I'm thinking I don't want to be a douchebag anymore" without referencing divine intervention is gonna have me as a fan for life!


Should I be tagging the Manny Hair Watch posts as fashion? Hmmm.


Uncle said...

I think what Manny was trying to get at, ass-backwards of course, was that Jesus Christ has accepted Manuel Aristides as *his* personal saviour. That would of course make Manny a really big dou--I mean, man.

malevolent andrea said...


I literally LOL'd at this. Perfect :-)