Saturday, September 11, 2010

some people can't be taught

I love that saying about people who get married for a third or fourth time--"the triumph of hope over experience." But you can apply it to a lot of different issues.

Last night when I left the gym, I went to Dunkin' Donuts for an iced coffee. Because, seriously, when you've elevated your heart rate with the cardio, doesn't jacking it up more with caffeine sound like the thing to do? Oh, shut up. I was really hot and the pint of water I'd just chugged straight from the bubbler hadn't helped. Anyway, as I was leaving my new favorite Dunkin' Donuts (the nice woman who makes my iced coffees there takes "extra cream" seriously and shows it to me to make sure it's light enough before she hands it over), I saw the advertisement on the door that their seasonal pumpkin stuff is back. You know my issues with this, right?

Every year when September and October roll around, I look at those signs and then I buy a pumpkin muffin. And every year the pumpkin muffin sucks, being way too sweet and tasting more of icing than of pumpkin. Triumph of hope over experience. Which would be bad enough, but *then* every year I buy two or three more before the season ends, even though the first one basically sucked. There is absolutely no explanation for that other than that I'm insane. And, also, they *look* really good on the sign and on the shelf.

So even though I am seriously seriously off the sugar and junk food this year, I looked at the sign on the door yesterday and thought, "Oooo, pumpkin muffins!" My mouth watered. It's watering as I type this. Insanity.



Uncle said...

And the worst thing is that the desire continues, even though the less sugar you have, the suckier these things taste. I cut my sugar consumption years ago to levels I once thought would not support human life. So I still crave the sweet things--like, say, a thick chocolate bar or a frosted muffin--even though I *know* they'll turn my stomach.

Doomed, I say! We're all doomed!

malevolent andrea said...

Well, I tried to respond to this before, but blogger apparently ate my comment. What I said was (paraphrased, haha) is that the existence of Sweet-Easr proves to me we are born craving this crap, but I don't understand *why* we would have evolved this way, considering how bad glucose spikes are for us. Mystery o' science!