Wednesday, September 22, 2010

i'm going to hell, but...

this was written by a woman who home-schools her four children. In Missouri.

Thanks but I'm not. All I want to do today is cry. I have had it with everything! I have gone off on the kids for being lazy brats. I would never send them to public school and they learn much more at home but I need a break. I have not went out without at least 1 kids for 10 months except for couple of dr. appointments. I can't even shower without knowing when I get out I'm gonna have a mess to clean. Most of the time I deal ok but sometimes I just feel like running away. My 11 year old is in counseling and even she doesn't know what else to try with him. He has oppositional defiant disorder wich make life really hard.

The "much more" those kids are learning probably doesn't include, oh, English grammar and spelling, but hey! literacy is not the end-all be-all, right?

In other news, Evil Kitty is starting to do a little better. She is again purring and scent-marking stuff, not just crouching in corners drooling, and while I'm not sure she actually ate anything, she smelled and licked at her food today, at least showing some interest. The vet never called back with the results of that extra $94 blood test, but she's got an appointment tomorrow anyway. I guess I'll find out then.

And me n' Liz bonded some more today. While she was kicking my ass, of course. Can I brag again? First of all she told me, "I have to hand it to you, you work very hard while you're here." I said that, yeah, I really don't see the point of wasting my time. Why bother to go if I'm not going to push myself and make improvements? Secondly, she had me doing this new thing called preacher's curls (do not ask me why) which is a biceps isolation exercise. The bench that you do these on is directly in front of the mirror and so I was staring at my biceps whilst I curled. As you do. And I said to Liz, "Oh! I like how these make my arms look." And she said, "You're really lean, so you'll probably be able to *see* improvements within a couple weeks." Okay, I know we were only talking about my upper body here (shut up), but no one has ever called me lean. Lean? Really? Go me.

Finally, my niece and ex sister-in-law came for dinner last night before my niece ships out to her almost 3 month long unpaid internship in godforsaken Montana, where she will not even have cell phone service. (It's like a third world country, yo!) I am sure if you've been following along, you will not be surprised to hear that not only did my ex husband not reply to me when I texted him on his birthday, he did the same to his sister. You will also not be surprised to hear that not only has he not called or visited his son, he has not called or visited his father. So much for the life-changing near death experience!

No, finally, for reals. Ubaldo is going for numero veinte tonight. The goat sacrifice or whatever worked last time he pitched, so you all get on it, 'k? Go Rockies!



Craig H said...

Muy triste... Sometimes not even Ubaldo can beat the bad-streak kryptonite. 3 games is now a lot of distance to make up over the last 10, though, to their advantage, they only have to catch 1 of 3 teams to do it. Looks like Ubaldo will be getting at least one last meaningful turn, if not two.

malevolent andrea said...

It was a muy triste baseball night all around for me. The suckage was universal. Sigh.

Nothing, however, can completely ruin a day in which 1.) someone called me "lean" and 2.) the sick cat came downstairs on her own power for the first time in six days and climbed up on D's chest!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Evil Kitty.

Knowing she's starting to feel better really does make me happy. :-)

Uncle said...

We all feel better here knowing that Evil Kitty feels better. Well, I have to prod Spike into good feelings about any cat but himself, but you get the picture.