Monday, September 27, 2010

muy triste

Have I used that as a blog title before? Perhaps.

Evil Kitty is not doing well once more, and I am taking her to the vet again tomorrow. Her downturn seems to have correlated to stopping the prednisone. But that may be a coincidence. Who knows? In any case, I am feeling so down. I would say "I can't imagine what other bad things could happen in my life that haven't happened in the last two months" but that would be a lie. I can imagine them. And, being me, I do.

I can't even get up the life to amuse myself by calling all y'all "bitches." Going to run. Will report back tomorrow.



crispix67 said...

Goodness, sorry to hear Evil Kitty is not doing well again. :-( Hope she feels better soon!

Hugs (from one who imagines the worse too)

malevolent andrea said...

Thank you, hon. D said he saw her eating a few bites of food while I was out at the gym, which is somewhat encouraging. She is just not eating and I don't understand why, unless the antibiotics are bothering her stomach or something.

Uncle said...

More good thoughts coming your way from this cattery :)