Friday, September 24, 2010

this is not disturbing, just insane

Next year this time, I'll be doing these. Ha! Perhaps not. But it does give one something to aim for. Disclaimer: Don't try these at home, kids.

My favorite part is where he's walking around scratching his head, like he's trying to figure out what kind of sick shit to try next!


P.S. I never got the video embedding to work before! You're in trouble now, bitches.


Uncle said...

Sheesh! Next it'll be prison bus video: don't forget the sound!

I think I did a couple of these moves accident. It was when some clown left a puddle under the exercise bikes ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

Doncha hate when people don't wipe down the equipment? ;-)

I'm seriously thinking of making this a goal. By next September, I will be able to do at least one pistol squat on each side, ATG (as they say, haha). It's not the strength that worries me so much...I can build that up in a year, and I've got the genetic advantage of Bulgy Polish Catcher's's the balance. Have I mentioned that I wobble and usually fall out of tree pose every time? Yeah. Andrea doing things on one leg = not so good.

But I can do anything I put my mind to, right?!? Right! Gimme some love, people!