Wednesday, September 15, 2010

fall and muscles

Was it not the most perfect of all weather days today? You cannot believe how happy I was not to be stuck in my windowless dungeon of a workplace today. I must have walked 5 or 6 miles doing a bunch of non-essential errands on foot, because it was the kind of day that makes you just want to walk and walk. Before that, I mowed my damn "lawn." And before that? Well, I went to the gym to see Liz.

I am not totally discounting god appearing to her in a dream, because she kicked my ass today. She told me that on Wednesdays it was most likely just going to be me and one other woman in our little group training, but the other woman had something else today. So I got Liz all to myself, which, cheapest one-on-one personal training ever, yo! but it also gave her plenty of time to make me work every friggin' muscle in my body. Also, she moved me up from the 8 pound weights to the 12s for almost everything, blowing right past the 10s. We did use 8s on the last group of arm/shoulder/chest exercises, because we'd already worked some of the same muscles doing chest/shoulder/back stuff earlier. And on my last set of standing dumbbell presses with the 8s, I got to my 10th rep and said, "Uh, Liz? I don't think I can do the last two." She said that was fine. Failure is *good* in weightlifting!

Anyway, I may be breaking out the arnica in the morning! (Liz did not know what arnica was. I feel like I am the arnica evangelist of the North Shore, spreading the gospel.)

Hope you all had productive days that included fresh air and sunshine, too!


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