Thursday, September 23, 2010

un boletin sobre Gatito Mal

Her RBCs are twenty, up from twelve last Thursday, which would account for her perking up. She's still nine points away from low normal, but we'll take it. When we got home from the vet's, I opened up some cat food for her and she ate a little bit. Oh, and when I put her into her carrier (ten minutes before we left the house, because I know from bitter experience that if you wait until you need to go out the door, through some kind of psychic feline power they ascertain something is up and hide) I could hear her trying to break out from it from the other room. That's the feisty Gatito Mal we all know and love!

On the bad news side of the equation, she's a little dehydrated, so the vet gave her some subcutaneous fluids. I didn't realize that's how they hydrate a cat, but now I vaguely remember them doing it to another cat we had one time. And on the bad and puzzling side, the second, more sensitive test they ran--the one they were supposed to call me about--came back negative for the organism that causes this disease. The vet showed me how right there on the report there's a disclaimer that it isn't 100% accurate and can give a false negative, which I guess was her way of saying, "Don't blame me you spent another $94 for nothing, Andrea." The fact that she's responding to the antibiotics means we just go ahead and keep treating her regardless of what the tests show.

Thank you again for all your well wishes and positive vibes, guys. This has been very worrisome for me and D. In fact, when I took her into the vet's today and the tech saw how much perkier and brighter she was, *she* was happy and excited. She said she had been very worried about how Evil Kitty looked last week. So you know that was bad.



Anonymous said...


I'll keep up the good thoughts!

Uncle said...

We're with Evil Kitty. All this may teach Mr Spike the value of altruism.