Friday, September 26, 2008

strange days indeed

Is there a debate I'm supposed to be watching or something?

Well, be that as it may, I'm watching the Sox game. They just showed a whole hell of a lot of empty seats in the stands. I gotta say, if I were there, in the 60 degree rain, waiting through an hour and a half delay, to see a late season Yankees-Sox game that means absolutely fucking nothing (and how very sad those people who were ecstatic to have scored these tickets back in March must be), and then they scratched Dice K in favor of, more or less, a minor leaguer, I'd have probably decamped to the Beer Works by now, where I could watch the game in warmth and dryness and with better beer value for my money.

I know that makes me a bad fan and probably a bad person. And I'm okay with that.

I wish, however, that someone could explain to me why I am so unenthusiastic about this team and the upcoming playoffs in general. I think I'm having post-traumatic Manny-loss stress disorder or something. Perhaps the Dodgers will make it to the World Series and I'll have a team to root for. I always was a D-Lowe fan anyway.



crispix67 said...

Well..Im watching the debate now and am thinking of switching over to the Soc game..and Im not even a baseball fan.

Wall Street and banks are crashing left and right...and all these guys wanna do is say "Well, *he* spent 93 billion" or "*He* gave big oil all this money."


Perhaps they need to come here to Hotlanta and try to buy some gas.Might humble them a bit.

OK, yeah,earlier today it only took me 20 minutes to get in line, pump and pay for it..but tonight the lines are longer and only 2 of the 9 stations I drove by had gas.At 3 when I got mine there were 4 who had it.

Switching channels now..or maybe I should turn it

crispix67 said...

That would be the *Sox* game. Sorry

malevolent andrea said...

Well, when the game went south, which didn't take long, not surprisingly, considering that, yes, they had a minor leaguer pitching it, we did end up switching to the debate.

I'm not sure which was more painful.

Uncle said...

I didn't watch either, and my reason in both cases is the same: unabashed denial!

Still trying to figure out why Big Oil is fucking with the red states right now. Maybe they figure they won't fight back?