Wednesday, September 17, 2008

just one more thing

(Yes, I am procrastinating. In my defense, my new cordless drill/screwdriver is charging even as we speak. Not that that should be stopping me from the other thirty-five things I could or should be accomplishing, but it is one semi-reasonable excuse for the fact that I'm sitting here posting idiocy.)

But anyway:

Am I wrong, or is placing a chandelier over a bathtub just a really, really bad idea? As in safety-hazard level of bad idea?

It's probably as scary as me with the cordless drill, actually.



Anonymous said...

I don't know...

So long as you're not planning to go swinging from the chandelier, I'd say it's just tacky, not dangerous!

Uncle said...

And as long as you're not installing the chandelier whilst standing in a tub full of water.

However, fixtures installed like that tend to rust out and get generally nasty before their time. Not my kink, thanks.

malevolent andrea said...

You guys don't think that chandelier looks way low over that tub? Like, stand up too quick, clock your head, pass out and drown in your bath water low?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... come to think of it you do have a point about the height!

Though frankly I'm more annoyed by the bath fixture that looks like it should really be on a sink. For some reason those always look dumb to me.

That, and the fact that the tub is located in a place where at least two neighbors can see in the window. Meaning you have to draw the drapes every time if you don't want to flash the neighbors. Might make for some might dark baths.

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, I think she either has, or is getting, that privacy film for the windows (which is yet another thing I didn't know existed until quite recently).

Anonymous said...

What is privacy film?

Should I put it over my mirrors so you don't have to look at yourself with a sickly pallor?

malevolent andrea said...

Privacy film goes over your windows so that no one can see in, but you still get the light. I'm not sure whether it also allows you to see *out* or not. But it seems like a good invention, especially for houses where they surround the bathtub with windows :-)