Thursday, September 25, 2008

the ol' not-really-a-compliment

You all know I don't talk politics in here and actually barely talk about anything of substance these days, and I know everyone's all focused on the economy right now anyway, but I need to say something about this.

Did you see where the president of Pakistan told Sarah Palin she's gorgeous and that now he knows why all of America is crazy about her? Once I closed my gaping jaw, I thought, Perfect. What a perfect way to demean someone with total plausible deniability. "You may be running for the second highest office in America, missy, but you're still just a piece of ass to me," running right along side of, "What? I was just paying the lady a gracious compliment!"

Can you just imagine if Sarah Palin *was* VP (please, god, no, please, god, no) and she started out a meeting with some hunky international leader she hadn't met before by saying, "Well, aren't you good-looking! No wonder your country's citizens voted you in, Mr. Prime Minister." You can't imagine it, can you? Because that kind of thing doesn't happen to men in this world.

But apparently a woman in politics has to look like Margaret Thatcher to avoid it. You know that's why *I* never ran for office, right? ahahaha

No, seriously, every time I think it's okay to be a woman in 2008, something like this slaps me upside the head and makes me realize that, no, it still really isn't.



Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're attacking Sarah Palin for being too attractive!!!

You've just outed yourself as yet another member of the East Coast Liberal Media Elite. You're probably one of those people who think someone needs "experience" and "education" and "can find Georgia on a map" to be President of the United States and Leader of the Free World.

I, for one, am glad that we've finally nominated a real person to run the country. Most real Americans don't have "experience" nor "education" nor can we read maps. Hell, most of us never even knew Pakistan had a border with Iraq till Saddam Hussein sent us the 9/11 terrorists.

I'm elated that one of us--not some over"educated" brainwashed atheist who believes in "evolution"--is finally going to run the country with a fear of God and proper Pentacostal beliefs.

Plus Palin is one hot piece of ass. And you know that the #1 priority of McCain's Vice Presidential pick was that she should be able to immediately step in and fulfill the primary duty of First Lady if Cindy McCain should ever be unable to carry out the responsibilities of her office.

malevolent andrea said...

Dude! I did *not* attack Sarah Palin. Well, other than the "please, god, no, please, god, no." But that's a given. C'mon now.

I attacked our poisonous, sexist, patriarchal culture in which a woman's looks are up for discussion no matter what position she is in or what the situation. Pay attention :-PPPPP Where's your reading comprehension? Lost in a vicodin haze? Next you'll be using "hammy downs" in a sentence. hahaha

And, now, if I wanted to point out what a hypocrit I am, I'd tell you another story about the *stellar* service I got at my favorite Home Depot last week because I went in alone and showing just the barest hint of cleavage. I prefer, however, not to look at it as hypocracy so much as in using the patriarchy for my own ends. Fight the power!

Uncle said...

I have it on good authority (a reader here) that the Russians haven't attacked Georgia...the oil companies have.

Oh wait...there are *two* Georgias? Why, that's just the geographers cari...carica...mocking our godly candidate.