Monday, September 22, 2008


I didn't think I would ever say this--indeed, I didn't even think it was possible--but I had a Greek salad for lunch that had too much feta on it.

I know! Dogs and cats living together...mass hysteria!



Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but it's simply culinarily impossible to have too much feta.

I pretty sure there have been whole studies at Greek research institutions to examine that possibility, and it's never happened yet. Though it is true that the research never completes as the researchers keep needing to aquire additional large samples of the subject matter.

I know I've told you more than once, but one of the standard Greek appetizers is just a big block of feta with a little olive oil and a few herbs on it.

I mean, if that isn't proof there can never be too much feta, I don't know what is.

(Maybe you just got bad feta? Like goat feta or that tasteless French feta or something?)

malevolent andrea said...

It was too much salty feta! 3 1/2 hours later and I still feel like I salt-OD'd.

Uncle said...

There you go! It was a case of too much salt! I'm with Mr Indemnity on this one: there can never be too much feta.