Thursday, September 18, 2008


I forgot this. Another bathroom cleaning note. (Every time I think I've hit rock bottom in blog topics, I prove myself wrong.)

I kinda accidentally found the plastic bolts that hold my toilet seat to the toilet, so I took it off. And cleaned parts of it that no way I could get at when it was attached. It was pretty, um, not pretty, shall we say. So it occurs to me to ask: is this something I've been supposed to be doing all along? Do you all take the seat off the toilet now and again and scrub the hinges and such? Is this yet another one of those things everyone but me knows?



crispix67 said...

I dont think youre supposed to take them out to clean there. Or maybe its just that no one Ive cleaned houses for has done this (apparently, because when i aint pretty either)

Anonymous said...

You know, I think when I was in my toilet buying frenzy a while back, I did run across some models that made a special thing about how they had special advanced seats that made it easy to move/re-move the seats to clean the seat attachment area.

They were mostly the high end models, though. Higher (in more ways than one) than I could use in my bathroom.

However, I hope you've noticed that my seat and lid close slowly and thus quietly. A major recent advance in toilet technology.

Uncle said...

No hope from me, with a gen-yoo-ine privy in my formative years. We had much less pretty problems than that. Not what was under the toilet seat, but what was *wayyy* under the seat.

Method: sprinkle lime on the, err, stuff. Pour in a couple buckets of water, and stay away from the outhouse for a couple hours until the toxins blow away. Eventually, you have to either shovel out the compost or move the privy.

You think *you* have problems??

malevolent andrea said...

I thank the powers of the universe for the flush toilet, believe me, even if I do have to clean it.

I have to say, it was remarkably easy to snap/screw my toilet seat on and off, and seriously, I would have been cleaning in there, at least periodically, if only I had known. I do, however totally blame the men in this house for that grossness, because my, um, bodily fluids do *not* go in that direction. It's physically impossible.