Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I got a massage today and you didn't. Nyah nyah. Okay, that's not true. I have no idea whether you had a massage today or not. I don't know what you people are up to when you're not reading this blog, though I always assume you're all up to no good. But nevertheless I *did* have a massage today and M2 told me I'm getting a lot of muscle in my back. Also, my quads. But I'm especially excited about my back because, as I may have mentioned, I've got no idea what's going on back there because I can't see. I want someone to take a picture while I'm flexing it, so I can see, but no one's been raising their hand to volunteer. Even though it could involve me taking my shirt off! Still no volunteers. Sigh. (Actually, M2 said she'll do it next time we see each other with her phone or mine. I really cannot wait.)

In related success news, I have just one more class in my 6 week session with Liz, and she asked me today whether I was going to do the next one. I asked if we'd be doing the same stuff or different stuff, and she said if she got some new people, we'd be doing the same stuff. And that, honestly, she thought I was ready to go on my own. (Then she remarked what a crappy salesperson she is. Heh.) So that felt good. And that was *before* she even saw me squat today. My squats were awesome, bitches. Trust. So then we were talking about squats and Liz was saying that doing heavy compound movements as in a squat actually cause your body to produce more testosterone, and thus stimulate muscle building even in your upper body. I *told* you I could feel my balls growing every time I squat!

In less of a success but probably a related note, those sweatpants I bought at the Tarzhay on Sunday? Too loose in the waist. In a size extra small. What the hell do actual thin people wear? There are plenty of girls and women my height who weigh ten or fifteen pounds less than I do. I'm sure they need clothes too. Anyway, I just rolled the waistband down on the sweatpants. They fit fine otherwise. But it astounded me. They don't make clothes that fit heavier women right. They don't make clothes that fit thinner women right. They don't make clothes that fit women with big boobs. The don't make clothes that fit women with no boobs. They don't make clothes that fit curvy hipped women. The don't make clothes that fit short women. They don't make clothes that fit tall women. I do not know who the fuck they design these clothes to fit, but I bet it's not 80% of the female buying public.

In totally unrelated news, the ultrasound vet sent me a letter saying they think Evil Kitty should have a follow up study. I don't know if I can justify spending another $300+ on this right now, but I'm going to call the regular vet and discuss, I suppose. Also, totally unrelated to any and all of this, one of my extended relatives has annoyed me greatly this afternoon. Is there some kind of rule that you have to be nice to people and put up with their passive aggressive semi-lying bullshit just because they share a small portion of DNA with you? Okay, is there a rule against changing your phone number so they can't contact you without great difficulty? Way to harsh my buzz after my squats were awesome and I had a massage, Ultrasound Vet and Andrea's Annoying Relative!

But now I'm eating veggie pizza and that makes everything good again. Mmmmm, pizza.


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