Sunday, October 17, 2010

muy triste una vez más OR eff u, steve jobs

My beloved 3rd generation green iPod nano died today, 2 years and eleven months after I first obtained it. You may remember the backlight gave out on it a few weeks ago after I got it a little too wet in the rain. So I knew this day was coming. But I was hoping it would come a little later. I love that iPod. I do not want one with other features. I do not want one a different shape. I do not want one a different shade of green.

You feel me? DO NOT WANT.

However, Steve Jobs (<--possibly the anti-Christ; anyone checked his scalp for the 666?) would like to sell me a 6th generation nano. Oh, Satan--I mean, Steve--I just read the reviews. Your new product sucketh. You've taken away features. The screen is too small. The touch screen is impossible to work when you are running/walking/biking. You have basically made the nano into a shuffle that costs three times as much.

I have foiled you however. Well, not really, 'cause I'm still giving you my money. But I have semi-foiled you by just ordering a 5th generation nano from amazon while they still have them. It is not the same as my beloved 3rd generation, which was the perfect size and shape and a lovely color, but I suppose the fact that it has a video camera means I could be embedding shit from the prison bus in this very blog. (Felons don't mind being filmed. I've seen Cops.) I *could* have bought another 3rd generation for well over $200, instead of $134, but even I am not that stubborn. The big question is, how am I gonna survive the next week to ten days without my iPod? I can't exercise without a soundtrack and the music they play in the gym is iffy.


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