Saturday, October 2, 2010


Which one of yous forgot to sacrifice the damn goat?!???

Oh, it's been a very long day and I am tired, but I just have to say this: 8 innings pitched, 10 strikeouts, ERA 0.00, WHIP 0.63--Ubaldo, hijo, you did your best, and I certainly couldn't have asked for more.

We have almost come to the end of this year's baseball blog posts, boys and girls, which I am sure will please some of you all no end. I cannot promise that I won't throw a big fit in here at some point during playoff season when Tim McCarver causes me to froth at the mouth like Evil Kitty taking her pills, but mostly we are done with the baseball for a while. It may just be time to start back to the home decorating projects! I haven't been on Rate My Space for months. Hmmmm...



Uncle said...

It may be my bad. I'm making a Welsh soup which, in its purest form, calls for kid. Rather than go out and find goat meat, I settled for an alternative recipe. Now the Braves' last hope is gone, *this* has happened and UMaine beat UNH in football. Maybe I should throw myself into the soup!

crispix67 said...

Perhaps it was *my* reluctance to perform the messy sacrifice,instead wishing to dine with the goats. Sorry. :-(

malevolent andrea said...

Tsk. I keep telling you people, the proper sports deities need to be placated :-) :-)

Uncle, fyi for future cooking adventures, I'm pretty sure the Stop & Shop in Lynn usually has goat. And actually, I wouldn't be surprised if the ghetto Market Basket in Salem does too. Though I don't know for sure, since I absolutely refuse to step foot in there.