Friday, October 1, 2010

la noticia buena y la noticia muy mala

Good news first? I am not losing my job nor are my hours even being cut. I had my yearly review today (late) and Led Zep Girl confirmed that my position is safe. Apparently when those evil bastids in upper administration started making noises about doing something with my position, E, my boss, flipped out and told them if they did, he was out the door and they could close our whole clinic. Which is not surprising to me for the fact that he is very loyal to me and vice versa, but which IS surprising to me in that he dared, 'cause I wouldn't have put it past them to call his bluff. I think they might very well be happy to close us down! But they're apparently sticking with us for at least another year. The gossip Led Zep Girl also passed on is that they have a nibble on a new doc, WHICH WOULD BE SUPAH. Cross your fingers we can shmooze him successfully *and* those bastids in administration don't nickel and dime away our chance to sign him. This would be very good for my continued employment.

Now the very very bad news. Evil Kitty had her echo this afternoon and not only is her heart very enlarged (as shown on her xrays) showing severe heart disease, but she has a couple clots that have formed. She could stroke out any time now, be paralyzed in her back legs, and have to be put down. I asked the docs doing the echo what this meant prognosis-wise, like did she have six months to live?, and it sorta sounds like they're not expecting she'll even last that long. But we're starting plavix and aspirin, so pray that helps dissolve those clots so she'll be with us as long as possible. We had another cat years ago who had a heart condition and took human atenolol for two years before he died, and he was much older than Evil Kitty when it developed, so I guess I wasn't prepared to hear this. I thought they'd put her on something and she'd live a few more years. She's only 10 1/2. I'm so sad right now. Muy triste.



Uncle said...

Crossing my fingers for Evil Kitty, but just a reminder that my daughter's cat has feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, is already a year past her best prognosis, and apart from an enlarged thorax and a bad attitude shows no sign of leaving soon. She has learnt to take her aspirin and it does seem to help. Rock on, EK! Rock on, Ms A!

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, thanks for the name of that. They explained it to me, but they didn't use the term "feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy" so I couldn't look it up till now. Apparently this *is* what my other cat had too, but he never had any clots.

crispix67 said...

Hope the Plavix and aspirin do their stuff. Stay strong, Evil Kitty! You can bust those clots!

Hugs to you,M-A :-)