Sunday, October 3, 2010

liar, liar

Doncha hate people who lie? I said I was done with the baseball, but I just have to express my incredulity. I can't keep it bottled up, yo.

I caught the last coupla innings of today's game, and imagine my expression when in the 9th the crowd at Fenway started chanting "Yankees suck." Srsly? It takes a lot of balls *and* stupidity to trash talk a team that's going to the playoffs when your team is not. If the assembled multitude felt the need to chant, "Papelbon sucks" would have done very nicely, is what I'm saying. Ah well, what can you expect from a bunch of people who have not mastered the concept of MOVE INTO THE FUCKING TRAIN? By the by, I'm off to see "The Town" in a few minutes. We'll just see if Mr Affleck has captured the general idiocy of the native Bostonian successfully, won't we?

In other unrelated (except possibly for my own stupidity) news, I bought a pill gun for Evil Kitty, a device I hereforto did not know existed until I watched about ten different youtube videos about giving your cat a pill. It actually worked much better than trying to give her four different pills separately. (Which had led again to her peeing all over my kitchen floor and my leg and my favorite work shoes last night 'cause she got so upset.) On the other hand, the pill gun did not work well enough to keep her from actually biting me today. Sigh. I put some neosporin on my wound, but if you don't hear from me for a few weeks or forever, it's 'cause I went septic and died. Check the obits!

Happy Sunday evening, bitches.


This is my favorite youtube video on pilling your cat. It gives you a flavor of what goes on in my house.


Uncle said...

Pill gun...hmm. I'll see whether that news has reached the daughter.

And thanks for the goat news. It may be coincidence, but the Braves are still on life support after all. I may need that goat yet.

malevolent andrea said...

I got the pill gun on the dog side of Petsmart, even though it's for both dogs and cats. I'm glad I thought to look!

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, and P.S. on the goat meat. I forgot to mention that I've particularly seen non-traditional-for-Americans meats at the Stop & Shop on Sunday mornings, presumably because people will cook big family meals of their homeland for Sunday dinner.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... You may want to lay off the goat sacrifices, as isn't sacrificing a goat what's caused the Chicago Cubs to go more than a century between World Series wins?

It was only 86 years when the Sox sacrificed the best ballplayer who ever lived to the NYYankees... them goats is powerful. I wouldn't risk it if I were you.

malevolent andrea said...

Just now you're reading about the goat sacrificing? Aparently you didn't do your part either, mister! hahahaha