Saturday, October 9, 2010


Here is how you play. Simply do a google image search on your name (first or last) and see what the first five results you get are.

Let's examine the "Andrea"s of the world, shall we?

This is a young woman who got attacked by a shark, showing off her scars. That's pretty badass. I don't mind sharing my name with her.

This is some bimbo.

This is some other bimbo. I hope she is no relation to (or god help us, Mrs) Mikey Lowell.

This is a third bimbo.

This is a "who wore it better?" from People magazine. The blond one on the left is the Andrea, and apparently she is an actress on Desperate Housewives. I don't watch that show.

Now, there *are* actually some famous people named Andrea. There's Andrea Mitchell, for one, or Andrea Bocelli (who totally counts even though he's a dude) and who was actually #7 on my google image results. But what is our object lesson we can take away? The interwebs exist for the purpose of disseminating pictures of women in their underwear (or without their underwear if you don't have safe search enabled), that's what!

And that is all I have to say about that.



Uncle said...

Google searches for me, every week. Most of my hits are a New Zealand rugby player and a couple of weirdos from the old country. This is what a weird name gets you.

malevolent andrea said...

Even if you google image search just your first name, there are no women in their underwear on the first 15 pages (I tried it, obs).

To which I say: stop it! You're breaking the internet! :-) :-)

Uncle said...

That's one in yo' face to the cutesy baby name cult who want my name to be unisex. You'd expect *someone* in womens' underwear to show up!

malevolent andrea said...

They're probably not legal for another twelve years. Heh.