Sunday, October 10, 2010

the more things change

Do you know what occurred this weekend, boys and girls? Andrea's 30th high school reunion! Of course I did not go, because you all know that is not my sort of thing (being an exercise nihilist, or something), but the Benevolent L did, because it is her sort of thing. And (also of course) she asked if she could stay at chez Andrea afterwards rather than make the long drive home to the hinterlands and I happily agreed.

Thus it came to pass that at 1 am I was texting her, "Where are you???" and, since she had her phone off, receiving no response. It was apparently a good time! Go figure. When she arrived in my driveway at 1:10, I was all, "And where were you, young lady?!?!!?" I would suggest this was a high school flashback, but the Benevolent L, being benevolent, was not the type of girl to stay out after curfew in those days. Me, on the other hand...

I got to hear all the news today at lunch. Honestly, I don't remember half the people that were actually there, but here's a general gist: a great many people in our class are divorced, most have packed on a few pounds, and the women have aged better than the guys. So, like, yeah, representative of middle aged America, I guess! But here's the best part, from my perspective. The Benevolent L was telling me she was looking at my yearbook entry. Apparently, under Ambition I answered "not much." It was a good thing I had finished my kung pao by the time she told me this, because I did not remember that *at all*, and I think I laughed for five minutes. I would like to think, and like to tell you, that I am a completely different person at 47 than I was at 17, but apparently, that would be a big lie!



Uncle said...

I'm way past my 30th HS reunion... much closer to the 50th (sigh). I have never yet gone to one and I hope to check out without ever going to one. I suspect the observations would be the same. Perhaps with one exception: some ugly ducklings turn out to be swans, but assholes then usually are assholes now. Did L's experience confirm this, or not?

malevolent andrea said...

Here's the thing about L: she is so benevolent, she thinks everyone is nice! :-)