Thursday, October 7, 2010

and women things

It is Townie Girl's 10th wedding anniversary. Mr Townie Girl just showed up in person, all the way from Gloustah, to present her with a dozen long stem roses in honor of the occasion. Awww, sweet, right?

Except. Someone said to Townie Girl, "Oh, you can throw away the box now" and she said, "No, I need it to take them home in." Townie Girl does not work Fridays and Monday is a holiday for us. Her lovely flowers would be dead by Tuesday. You see the point here, right? The only reason for Mr Townie Girl to bring her roses to the office on a Thursday afternoon is for the fuck-you-bitches-I-got-flowers factor. Along with the see-what-a-wonderful-husband-I-have factor. Which would be more convincing if we also didn't hear about every frigging fight they have. Just sayin'.

And you all are just sayin' "Andrea, you cunt, you're just jealous." Well, DUH. That's the whole point of this little exercise: to make the rest of us jealous. I would be doing Mr and Mrs Townie Girl a huge disservice and ruining their 10th anniversary if I did not cooperate and be envious and bitter. God. Do I have to explain everything?

Meanwhile, nobody is jealous of the new vein popping out on the lateral side of my arm nor of my new found knowledge of how to squat, but those of us who are unlucky in love must take comfort in other accomplishments!


1 comment:

Uncle said...

I need to be more alert at home. Annie actually *missed* Spike when he was at the vet's. There wasn't anything this good, but mucho licking and snuggling when he got back.

One does notice in this vid that there is definite time limit in kitteh massage.