Monday, November 30, 2009

convergence of topics

I lied about being done with blogging for the month, but the convergence of topics was too good to pass up. Plus, I'm obviously not going to do anything useful today, so I figure I should just run with it. I did pull all the blue tape off before I went to work, though. That's useful. Anyway.

Mr Indemnity told me in email that he went to see The Bad Lieutenant this weekend and Fairuza Balk, who has a small part in it, reminded him greatly of me. I didn't know who she is. So I said, hey, let me google her and see if Mr Indemnity is on crack.

Sorry that picture is so small. The larger size pic was on a slideshow on and I couldn't save it. But you get the idea. Cover her mouth up in that picture and, yeah, there's some resemblance. She, I, and Renee Zinswanger all do the squinchy-eyed thing when we smile. Also, she's 5'3 with big boobs, so appropriately Andrea-sized. I'm willing to concede Mr Indemnity wasn't completely on drugs when he saw that movie.

So I imdb'd her, and found out she's been in a lot of movies and TV shows I've seen and liked, but apparently not big roles, since she's totally below my radar. But also? A very young Fairuza Balk was a ZZ Top video vampire vixen! I mean, what are the odds?

See for yourself!


1 comment:

Craig H said...

Yup, in the hoodie and big sunglasses, the girl def has the Andrea vibe goin on. And I was successful at picking the jpg off the askmen site, and it's even more the real deal: