Sunday, November 22, 2009

praise jesus, i can see

The Benevolent L and her handsome sidekick S took me out for lunch/dinner (is that dunch or linner? it's never quite caught on like brunch did) in the North End today for my bday. But while I was waiting to meet up with them, I went to Starbucks. Well, they have like five different new, or old, holiday drinks on the menu. I was in line, squinting, when I realized, oh, yeah! I've got my new glasses in my purse.

So I put them on and was able to order myself an eggnog latte. (Good, but maybe too much milk in it for me, 'cause I've got a little tummyache now. Which cannot be from the huge portion of eggplant and the three desserts I ate later.) I'm like, oh, so this is how other people see. Huh.

Let me digress and tell you why I never got in the habit of wearing my old glasses consistently. I'm not sure of the technical reason for this--maybe because I have an astigmatism?--but wearing my glasses sort of makes me feel like it's forcing my eyes to focus together in way they don't naturally and it fucks with my depth perception. Which, frankly, isn't my strong suit anyway. So walking, and especially using the stairs, in my glasses always felt like more of an adventure than it should be. And I can't give a massage in glasses. Believe me, I tried. Once. So pretty much I kept the glasses for when I really needed them and only seated activities at that.

But noticing the ease with which I could now peruse coffee options, I made an executive decision to practice walking in my glasses and get used to the damn things. According to eye guy, I'm probably not too many years away from bifocals which, again, eff you, eye guy. So yeah. I better get used to this. I took my latte and walked out intrepidly to the front stairs of Quincy Market. Wherein I came upon this guy: (I always stop for straightjackets and rope, yo.) And, eventually, after Jason had escaped from his predicament successfully and my coffee was gone, L and S called me to tell me they were across the street. So I actually crossed a roadway--in Boston!--wearing my glasses.

Okay, I took them off in the restaurant. But still. I'ma call this a success.


1 comment:

Uncle said...

I've been wearing bifocals for years now; they've gotten more subtle.

I think all glasses mess with depth perception if you don't wear them all the time. I've had to wear them since I was 10, and wearing them has become second nature, but I still have to adjust after a new scrip.

I'm all for blaming the latte for your troubles. Eggplant is good for you!