Wednesday, November 18, 2009

it's not hypochondria...parte the second

I know you people want nothing better than to hear all about my health problems, real and imaginary. It's even more exciting than when I tell you what I cleaned that day or what I might possibly buy, right? So consider this your update.

But first, an announcement. You know how I said I was winning the War Against My Uterus? Well, apparently it has recruited reinforcements from neighboring organs. My gyn's office called me bright and early this morning to tell me one of my recent non-uterine tests came back slightly abnormal. You know what this means, don't you? It means I have to go back and be traumatized by that mean Russian nurse again. It's official. I now hate *all* my lady parts.

But that's neither here nor there and has nothing to do with today's doctor appointment. Today I visited the opthamologist. Yes, the part of my body that I have been freaking out about is my eyes. As you'll remember if you've been reading along, I had an eye injury on September first and things have not been right most of the time since then. But now I'm 95% better. However, the eye guy said the symptoms that I had been having were consistent with irritation to the cornea *and* were probably exacerbated by my probable keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Um, that's dry eye syndrome. Which women often get "as they approach 50." (Oh, eff you, eye guy.) But, see???? It's a real medical condition with an impressive Latin name. Just because it didn't turn out to be eye fungus, ahem, doesn't mean there wasn't something wrong with me.

And while I didn't much like eye guy, I do have to go back to him again next week for one other test. It seems I have thin optic nerves. This is probably congenital (which would be the only kind of congenital thinness I have, thankyouverymuch) since my eye pressure was fine, but it could be a symptom of glaucoma. Since he's never looked at my optic nerves before and has nothing to compare them to, I have to do this one other quick test to make sure. Oh, and I'm getting new glasses which cost more than a down jacket. (My options for this winter are apparently poor, cold, or blind. I guess I'ma go with poor.)

In summary...I used way too many parentheses in this post. It probably has something to do with dry eye. Or malfunctioning lady parts. Or approaching fifty. Pick one.



crispix67 said...

So, my dry stinging eyes are not from a mild case of pinkeye or a growing corneal ulcer from a fungus (I thought that too) but because Im 42. I ahve had no drainage, nothing to indicate those "worst case scenario" things I listed, just dry eyes and contacts. Which, my soft contacts are much better than the gas permeable ones were. I love them. :)

Glasses used to be cheap compared to contacts, now its flipped. I spent almost $500 this past spring getting updated after I had trouble seeing street signs while driving. Aint it great to be um...over 40, I will leave it at that ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

OMG, you had possible eye fungus too?!?? :-) :-)

The eye guy gave me Refresh Optive eye drops for the dry eye, but they're over the counter. Maybe you could try them.

crispix67 said...

Yes, I think thats what I use the most, I have 2 bottles of eye drops right now lol, whichever one I can find I use. I also use the "Replenish" type of contact stuff, it keeps them a bit mositer than the cheap WalMart brand stuff. Yes, its more expensive, but worth it IMHO.

crispix67 said...

Oh, and theres more- yes I thought, coulda swore I had that horrible fungus that was all over the news earlier this year or last. The only sign I had was redness and dryness.LOL Gotta luv how my mind works (or doesnt) sometimes.

Oh, and Happy Birthday,M-A :-) Hope you had a good day and have a wonderful evening!

Uncle said...

It's really that day? Hope--despite all--it's happy.

No, my eyes aren't dry. It's just that every now and then my retinas try to pack up and head for the Bahamas. Try a mean eye Dr. with a laser machine for a cute way to pass the time.

Age sucks.

malevolent andrea said...

It *is* that day. Thanks, guys!

Somehow beginning the day with annoying news and a doctor's appointment and ending it drinking wine and cleaning the house seems emblematic of the past year :-) So it's all good.

Craig H said...

So this is really what they're talking about when referring to "mature women" and "personal lubricant"? Meh. ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

I don't even wanna think about what's gonna dry up next.