Friday, November 27, 2009

other people's holiday traditions

You guys know my hallowed holiday tradition: bitching and whining. In the spirit of that, can I just mention that I have been getting a crapload of blog spam the last week or two and while I do not *want* to proceed to enabling comment approval, I also hate manually deleting it after it's posted. It leaves that "this post has been removed by a blog administrator" or however they phrase it in the comments, and I hate that because it makes my blog look messy. No, shut up, you're a freak. Ahem.

No, really, I wanted to talk about other people's traditions. I was at M2's house the other day, and I was, yes, bitching about Thanksgiving (and sticky floors) in much the same manner I was complaining here. I'm a delightful person most of the time. Ahem again. So M2 said that if I wanted to skip Thanksgiving, I was welcome to go out for Thanksgiving Indian food with them. She and her husband and whichever of her kids are in town do it every year. Which makes some very good sense, considering M2 and Mr M2 are both vegetarians. Indian food is light years better than tofurkey. (I'm guessing, since I only eat tofu fake meat products with a gun pointed at my head.) While M2 knew very well I couldn't say "fuck Thanksgiving", it was still a nice gesture. It made me feel a little less like an unloved pariah. And who knows? Maybe some day I'll be able to take her up on it. Spending Thanksgiving at an Indian restaurant is a tradition I could get behind.

Another tradition amongst my friends that I absolutely love takes place at M1's house. (Those M's are some rebels, huh?) M1 keeps her (full size) Christmas tree, completely dressed and wrapped in plastic to keep off the dust, in storage and just brings it out every year. It's one of those things that makes it look like you've made an effort when you haven't done a goddamn thing. I can totally get behind that too. Because I am very lazy. Look it up.

In actual non-Andrea tradition, can I say that I am done with D's and my dad's presents, except for stocking stuffers, like shaving cream and shower gel and such that they get because I'd only have to buy it for them anyways, and some candy and little things. But they main shopping for them is done. And I mostly know what I'm getting everyone else. So I am way ahead. Suck it, Christmas.

Okay, I am leaving work now and going perhaps shopping. Because I thought I should join in the American holiday tradition of spending money on Black Friday. Hope you are doing the same. China needs your dollars.


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