Sunday, November 1, 2009

halloween wrapup and a bonus

So, since I was already dressed mostly in black for work yesterday and since I found my witch's hat in one of the closets when I was looking for where I hid the candy, I managed to put together a half-assed costume for the trick-or-treaters. It wasn't much of an effort but it was a token.

In keeping with my annual tradition of posting about the cutest toddler who came to my door, I shall tell you about the beautiful little girl in a stroller pushed by her dad, foofy dress and tiara, and clearly no conception of what the hell all this was about. "Oh, you *are* a beautiful princess," I said as I put the candy in her pumpkin and her dad grinned ear-to-ear. I predict difficulties in about fifteen years. Also at my door last night? Cougar L! Dressed as a banana and carrying her infant grandson. (I'm pretty sure she's a little younger than me. I was so jellus.) You will all be gratified to hear that she now has a job as a caseworker at the clinic where D gets his meds. Since she is like the best social worker of all time, this is as it should be.

When the trick-or-treaters had ceased, I took a glass of wine upstairs and attacked the late 2008/2009-to-date shoebox, and it has been emptied, filed chronologically, the trash trashed and the things that need to be shredded added to D's to-do pile. I'm kind of torn about how some things should be catagorized: things from Tufts Health Plan--in my "insurance" file or in the "Andrea's medical stuff" file? Etc. But, nevertheless, I was pleased. I almost took photos to post, but really, that joke has probably gone too far.

And, now, your bonus! Whether this is true or untrue, it is in any case absolutely hilarious. Enjoy!


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