Friday, November 13, 2009

time flies

I realized the other night that how old I thought I was turning on my birthday was not in fact how old I really am turning on my birthday. Oh, don't look at me that way. I realized this when I remembered that it was two years ago that I was absolutely freaking right the fuck out about turning 45. 45+2 =47. Then I did the math: 11/62 + 47=11/09. Yup, that works out.

I'm not blaming this on incipient early-onset Alzheimer's or a big frontal lobe tumor. And I'm not even blaming it on the fact that I never even think of how old I am anymore, probably in self-defense. I'm blaming it on the fact that now that I'm old, time goes by ridiculously fast. How's a person supposed to keep track of what year it is or how old they are? I had a patient yesterday who, when I saw the name on my schedule, made me think, "Hmm. Didn't I just see them? Why are they back so soon?" Then I looked at the date of the previous visit. February. Okay. Apparently 9 months is the new 5 weeks. <---(Sentence just for Uncle. You're welcome.)

There's really no point to this post. But we old people like to tell pointless meandering stories. True fact.



Uncle said...

The hell you're old! I'd be thrilled to go in the WABAC machine and come out 47!

About the speed with which time passes: I hate to break it to you, but it only gets worse.

malevolent andrea said...

So, you're telling me for you 9 months is the new week and a half? :-) :-)

Uncle said...

Just about...but you'd better catch my blog comments on "the new" anything ;)

malevolent andrea said...

I did!! That's why it says "Sentence just for Uncle".

Reading comprehension, people. My jokes need all the help they can get, 'k? :-PPPP

Uncle said...

I need new corneas, stat!