Thursday, November 26, 2009

you would also think

...that someone who has made it to the ripe old age of 47 would be able to figure out how to put her new napkins through her new napkin rings without looking it up on the internet, but you would also be wrong. Shut up. I thought it had to be more complicated than that. Also, how did we ever live before google?

My table looked beautiful today. New napkins, new napkin rings, the new dishes (the ones I broke down and bought last summer), the old table runner. Candles burning on the wood stove. And no TV on while we were eating, just music. I told D "pretend we're civilized."

Do civilized people get drunk by themselves on Thanksgiving night? Probably not. That's okay, though, 'cause I'm just pretending.



crispix67 said...

I dont know how we lived before Google or the Internet or cell phones- cell phones and Facebook saved me yesterday, My car died yesterday morning, after not getting any of my friends to respond to texts or calls-Thanksgiving morning, they all had lives-lol- I posted in my status on Facebook that my car had died. A woman Ive met at the yoga studio I go to replied for me to call her a few minutes later. I didnt have her number, but knew that sometimes people list their numbers on their profile. So I clicked her name, it came up to either message her or call her. I clicked "call" and my phone automatically dialed her. She was a HUGE help to me, and a very calming influence. :-) See, Facebook can be used for good purposes ;-)

After I got home I fixed a feast for one- a cornish game hen-rubbed down with butter and olive oil and with thyme,rosemary and sage stuffed under the skin and rubbed all over. Roasted that and some new potatoes, had a little side salad of mixed greens. Yummm. Oh, and spiced cider to drink. Later I had some warm pumpkin pie with cinnamon gelato on top and some coffee. OMG...that was delicious!

Glad you had a good day :-)

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, I'm so glad you were able to find help (even if it involved the evil Facebook)! Cinnamon gelato on pumpkin pie sounds fantastic. Great idea.

I wouldn't exactly say my day was "good" but parts of it were successful :-)