Sunday, November 22, 2009

merry whatever

Yeah. It's getting to be that time of year. If you've been following along, you know how I feel about the quote unquote holiday season, New Year's Eve being a particular fucking favorite. But Thanksgiving and Christmas don't exactly fill me with "joy" either. I might not even pull out the fabled white Xmas tree this year. I don't particularly see the point of all that effort, but I dunno. I'll probably cave to the pressure.

The one thing that I do somewhat enjoy about the whole shebang is the gift-giving, especially since I no longer have any obligation gifts I have to give. I don't know about anybody else, but buying for people I don't like always filled me with incredible angst. I would worry about them disliking their gifts when, seriously? why should I really give a shit? It's bizarre. But that's neither here nor there, because that bullshit is done. Now all my prezzies go to people I am totally fond of and want to shower with nice things.

So I've started kind of thinking about it, gathering ideas. I had what I think is a fabulous inspiration for one friend that I'll probably go with. But my other ideas? I'm kinda sad and wishing for a sudden cash windfall, because there are a couple things that I would love to get for a couple people, things I know they would really, really like, but which I just cannot afford. D told me what he wants, and I do feel I can afford that, especially since he really asks for so little all year. But I wish I could give everyone what I want to give them. (See above: fond, showering.)

I know. It's the thought that counts, blah blah. But giving someone a picture of what you wished you could get them and saying, "See? I thought you'd have liked that. I'm right, huh?" just doesn't cut it.

Maybe I'll hit the lottery. Sigh.



Anonymous said...
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malevolent andrea said...

The latest spam is not so amusing. Boo!

Uncle said...

Having enough angst in my life, and so not needing any that's artificially created, over the last few years I've been moving to Festivus. We have a Festivus pole (really!). Since airing of grievances, occasional feats of strength, and overindulgence already happen at most gatherings I attend, it just closes the circle. If you have to get something, get something clever, functional and cheap: kitchen departments are great. If they don't like it, fuck 'em.

(You can tell why I'm not doing Santa Claus gigs anywhere, eh?)

malevolent andrea said...

You showed me a picture of your Festivus pole one year (probably b/c I wasn't *completely* sure you weren't joking)!

malevolent andrea said...
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malevolent andrea said...
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malevolent andrea said...

Oh, blogger is working really well today.

malevolent andrea said...

Let's see if this posts only once.

D and I were talking about Xmas this morning while he was waiting for his appointment and he also doesn't think we should have a tree this year. Yay!

Uncle said...

Festivus poles made of aluminum have a high strength-to-weight ratio ;)