Wednesday, November 25, 2009

my visual field test

I returned to eye guy today to do this. Have you ever had one? You look into this machine one eye at a time, stare at the bright yellow light in the middle, and press a clicker every time you see a light flash around it. It's sorta like Jeopardy, except for no Alex Trebek and no questions. Some of the lights that flash are big and bright and some are small and dim, and it's kinda hard, especially at first, to realize right away that one of the dim ones has flashed. There's a split second lag time before your brain says, wait! that was one, and then your reaction time is off.

Anyway, my first try at this I was kinda cheating--not on purpose, I swear--moving my eye too much. So then eye guy patched the eye I wasn't using and it was much easier for me not to move my eye. However, I still did better with the second eye he tested than the first. Which gave him opposite results than what he was expecting, because the second eye is the one with the thinner optic nerve. So he's sure it's just artifact, and I just needed time to get habituated to the test. He said he's 99.9% sure my eyes are fine. But why don't I just come back in 4-6 weeks and we'll try that first eye again? (I wonder how much he charges Tufts for this thing.)

So I made the appointment, but I'm not sure I'll keep it. Do I want to pay my $15 co-pay for the .1% chance that the eye that looks fine really has a problem? Perhaps not. I'm sure eye guy has a sailboat, vacation house, or mistress he needs to pay for, but I'm not sure I'm willing to help out. I did however take a brochure about blepharoplasty (that's an eyelid tuck, yo) 'cause these bags under my eyes ain't gonna fix themselves.



Uncle said...

Yep, done it. If your guy comes up with a way *not* to move your eye during that, be sure to pass it along.

Other than eye patches: arr.

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, good, it's not just me, then.