Friday, May 30, 2008

tongue in cheek

Okay, so it's come to my consciousness that of late at least three people have, on different occasions, taken seriously things I have said totally ironically, humorously, or tongue-in-cheek. It's happened in writing, and it's happened face to face. It's happened with people who know me well, really well, or fairly well.

It's starting to freak me out a little.

Either I need to get help with my comedic timing, or I need to start using more emoticons in my writing and/or start poking people and saying, "That was a joke, ok?"

(Since neither of those things is likely to happen, just assume everything that comes out of my mouth or typing fingers is meant non-sincerely. Including this. Oh, crap, now see, that won't work. Sigh.)



Craig H said...

Does this mean that you *didn't* just order a set of hot new underwear, and that we're all hyperventilating for nothing???

malevolent andrea said...

No, the new bra is still (purportedly) winging its way through the US mail to me. It's the part about you all needing to know that that was meant ironically :-)

Craig H said...

Ironically, we DO!!!

Anonymous said...

[J]ust assume everything that comes out of my mouth or typing fingers is meant non-sincerely. Including this. Oh, crap, now see, that won't work.

I think you've just rediscovered the liar paradox. :)

Maybe you have a career as a philosopher ahead of you... but now we can never believe anything you'll come up with.

Uncle said...

Note to self: consider gender of readers, rather than getting into self-deprecation.

What was it, men think about sex on average once every 7 seconds? We least I were being a bit flip. The 7 second reflex pops off anyway.

So blame us, and keep on talking.