Wednesday, May 28, 2008

ms malevolent's neighborhood

Ms Malevolent wears cardigans too, and would probably play with puppets if given half a chance, but that's all Mr Rodgers and I have in common.

I live on a deadend street, or as we say when we're being klassy, a cul de sac. The corner of my street is a school bus stop. Every school day, come about 2 pm, there are two or three cars in park at the bottom of the street near the corner, waiting for the school bus. And every time I see them, I think, as you do, WTF?

My own opinion, and you know I have one, is that if you are home during the day and you have a working vehicle, you could drive the mile to the elementary school and pick your little angel up yourself, and save my freaking tax dollars. You'd also be saving your own time, because while you're sitting there at the end of my street for ten minutes or more waiting for the bus to show, you could already be at the school and on your way. OTOH, if you prefer to save your gas (which is understandable, perhaps even admirable), you could, oh--and this is a radical suggestion, I know--walk the effin two or three or four blocks to the bus stop to meet your child, especially on a 60 degree afternoon in May when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping.

Now, a more charitable person than I might suggest that these people waiting by the bus stop in their cars might be elderly grandparents picking up the kiddos for their working parents, and thus not easily able to walk a few blocks and better kept from driving on the main streets anyway. That charitable person would be incorrect. I scoped them out today as I passed. Soccer-mom-types, all of 'em.

I told you yesterday. I'm sadly judgmental.

But they're lazy.

Which is worse? (Don't answer that.)



Uncle said...

I so don't want to know what your letter carrier is like. Always wondered why they had to call the poor sod "Mr. McFeely."

From what I hear, the real Fred Rogers would have strolled down the hill and given them a dose of Nice that would put all of them into diabetic comas (this via colleagues once in public tv). You could try that.

malevolent andrea said...

OMG, I forgot all about Mr McFeely! I think there are large swatches of Mr Rogers Neighborhood that I have repressed.