Wednesday, May 14, 2008

signs of spring, redux

(This is post #367 of things that no one but me gives a crap about, but that I feel compelled to write anyway.)

There's a little pond near my house. I feel quite possessive of it, though I certainly don't own it and my house isn't actually on it. Nevertheless, I call it "my pond" and it makes a nice landmark to give people directions from. Pretty much every year some geese nest on it and have babies. And every year we see them walking on the residential street that runs behind it, the mommy and daddy and little goslings in a row, and sometimes across the main road on the other side, into the parking lot of the Dunkin' Donuts. So much so that a few years ago the city put up a waterfowl crossing sign (which delighted me), but even so, even when they stop traffic in both directions at 7:30 in the morning, I have never seen anyone react to them with anything but a smile. They are cuteness squared, and seeing them always makes my day.

Well, just a little bit ago I was taking a walk to the post office, and there they were, the first time this year! Four babies, still fuzzy, and the parents. I was so excited I had to whip out my cell phone and call home to tell D and my dad.

Yes, I am a big dork.

In other news? Chair massage, proven sleep enhancer. No, no, not getting one, watching one. I ordered a chair massage video off amazon, because honestly, that was a weak part of the curriculum at my school, and that's another way I'd like to possibly make some money. Well, it arrived in yesterday's mail and I was so excited, I decided to watch it before I started making dinner. I popped it into the DVD player in my bedroom, and in only a few minutes? Naptime. I watched a bit more when I finally woke up, but I saved most of it for later. At which point? Right to sleep.

I didn't actually think you were supposed to get that relaxed watching bodywork.



Uncle said...

Aww! I like your wildlife better! We got woodchucks, then we got a fox...come to think of it, haven't seen the woodchuck since the fox showed up (oops!) I don't want violent nature shows, I want cute!

No pond either...some of this menagerie is denning under my back shed.

And I don't think it's the chair. I've had beaucoup training, live and video, that put me to sleep. Blame the producers!

Anonymous said...

You know, it wasn't till just now I got the headlining pseudo-pun.

Talk about big dork

The other day I got stopped at the end of the BU bridge by a whole gaggle of geese crossing the road. Not the black and grey canada geese that have taken up permanent residence along Memorial Drive, these were pure white geese instead.

Maybe they were just making a spring season visit to their more permanently settled cousins?

malevolent andrea said...

Um, yeah, I, um, made that pun intentionally. Aren't I clever? hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I was kind of guessing it wasn't intentional...

But I liked it anyway. And "regeese" just doesn't work the same... ;)

Craig H said...

I remain convinced that all unintentional yet clever puns are actually subconscious Freudian manifestations of latent writing genius. And I'm hereby taking credit for any and all that become discovered in my writing, just as soon as the first one gets discovered in my writing.