Thursday, May 1, 2008


I had this little 20 month old in work this afternoon and she was so freakin adorable, not in looks per se, but in mannerisms and her obvious brightness, that I got one of my occasional "goddamn, too bad my baby-making factory is closed" pangs. These days, those pangs are usually followed by a more serious pang in which I get momentarily sad that I'm more than likely never going to be a grandmother.

I'd be such a fabulous grandmother. (Shut up. I would not say the word fuck in front of my grandchildren. At least not until they were, y'know, in high school.)

Eh. Maybe sometime in the next fifteen years I'll sucker some poor, poor bastard with adult children into marrying me, and I can be a step-grandmother. I'm sure any bitterness these totally theoretical stepchildren of mine might feel could be overcome with lots of free babysitting! And if they were my step-grandchildren I might even refrain from saying fuck in front of them until they went off to college. Just to be extra nice.



Uncle said...

I should think that a step-grandmother could be twice as indulgent with half the guilt. There may be an opportunity there.

At the moment it looks like long odds that I'll be grandfather, so I compensate with boatloads of unsolicited old-faht advice...which I'll spare you ;)

malevolent andrea said...

I'm telling you, I think the step-grandchildren are the way to go. You take 'em to the park, you feed 'em lots of sugar, and you send 'em home with Play-Doh to smoosh into their parents' carpets. It's a win-win all around.