Thursday, May 29, 2008

and an underwear update

I bought a half-price Wacoal online at the Nordstrom half-yearly sale, and even with the ridiculous $8 shipping and the fact it's a funky color, it's quite the bargain. And, according to my e-mail, it has shipped.

Just thought you'd want to know. Ahahaha.

/non-substantive posts for may 29/



Uncle said...

when do we get pictures?

malevolent andrea said...

The same day we get pictures of you in your 1968 bell bottoms. Aka, when hell freees over, I should imagine :-)

Craig H said...

Seems that if we can land a man on the moon, and get pictures of Britney Spear's lack of 'em all over the internet, seems to me we should be able to get a few discreet snaps of the bird lady of Lynn's high-priced panty collection (acquired with great fiscal restraint at impressive discounts, scandalous shipping charges notwithstanding) without waiting for hades to experience a cold front...

I'd be willing to contribute my 1978 high school yearbook photo with the powder blue and white striped sports jacket...

malevolent andrea said...

Hmmmm...there's got to also be a powder blue tuxedo prom picture somewhere, I suspect. If *that* sees the light of internet day, maybe so will my skivvies.

Craig H said...

The tux jacket was cream-colored--it was the ruffled shirt that was pink. No powder blue anywhere in sight, but would that do ya anyway?

malevolent andrea said...

Ooooo, I do believe I have been called out. :-)

Okay, Mr Barma, if you publicly post a pic of you in your ruffly pink tuxedo shirt, then I'll post a pic of my new Wacoal when my package from Nordstrom arrives. (And I find the cable to my camera. Ahahaha.)

And may I just say? A cream colored tuxedo jacket was pretty tasteful for 1978. Your date must have been a woman of refined sensibilities. (That's your cue to say, "But, of course. That's why she was banging me." If she was. Or, really, even if she wasn't. We'll never know and neither will she. :-))