Thursday, May 29, 2008

gosling update

D and I saw the geesies crossing the street this morning. In the freaking crosswalk. I almost, but not quite, died of the cuteness.

This almost, but not quite, made up for the toilet overflowing at 7am.



Anonymous said...

Toilet overflowing = not good at all. (You need a Toto.)

Goslings using the crosswalk = unbelievably cute and extremely good.

Geese using your street, sidewalk, and lawn as a toilet = ??????? ;)

malevolent andrea said...

I live too far from my pond to get goose poop, making my love for them pure and unconditional :-)

Uncle said...

And if that love should turn hostile, geese do look good on a festive table (bwahahaha).

But the toilet could be worse. You could be living on the Space Shuttle waiting for NASA to spend umpteen bazillion to send you some drain unplugger and a plunger, whilst you poop your suit.

(the philosophy of someone who has spent much of his recent free time uninstalling an especially nasty trojan horse)