Sunday, May 4, 2008

"chocolate peanut butter cheerio treat"

I've posted before about my displeasure with the new company running our cafeteria at work. Not only was there that troubling 1200 calorie calzone debacle, but the food has been really, really bad since they took over. It plays havoc with the whole intuitive eating concept, because there's never anything there I want to eat, and even when there is, there's no guarantee it'll be there the next day.

I was cheesed off all week because there were no Tazo teabags, other than one bizarre herbal one I don't drink. If this means they are discontinuing the Tazo tea altogether, I will really be pissed. Similarly, there was no Vitamin Water all week. I don't know how they expect me to do any work when there's no hydration available that I enjoy. Bastards.

But what I really want to discuss is what I ate yesterday. One of the few good things they have now--occasionally--are rice crispy treats. Not the prepackaged ones, but more or less homemade ones. But, again, they don't always have them. A couple weeks ago they had some kind of "fruit loop treats" which frankly I think could be classified as a crime against nature. And then, yesterday? Chocolate peanut butter cheerio treats. As far as I can tell, this was a mass of cheerios glued together with some kind of peanut butter concoction and then covered in chocolate. Are you gagging yet? I bought one. Okay, are you gagging now?

I think it says something about the offerings that that was what looked best to me.

If they don't have the right tea bags tomorrow, god only knows what I will be driven to eat.



Anonymous said...

The wonders of being a monopoly. They've got you by the balls (if you have balls) if you want to eat fast in the hospital, so they don't have to try harder, they just have to exist.

This goes a long way towards explaining why things worked so well in the former Soviet Union.

Weird thing is, it doesn't have to be that way: in my building the local cafe is both mediocre and overpriced, so I usually save it for bad weather days or when I'm in a rush and don't want to go outside. While if I walk a few buildings over to the Law School their cafeteria (and cafe) has far better food, way more variety and choices, and is actually cheaper. It just takes more pride in your work (and a little less grubbing for the maximal bottom line) to do it when you don't really have to.

I'll admit, though, that most anything with peanut butter catches my attention. ;)

malevolent andrea said...

I'm sure the reason the hospital changed contractors is that these people low-balled the price, absolutely. Not that the savings are passed on to the employees.

If they have any more of those hideous things this week, I'll buy you one so you can see for yourself that peanut butter cannot, alas, save everything. I think I owe you a baked good from the "overpriced ho" google anyway. Let it not be said that I welch out on promises to my blog readers ;-)

Anonymous said...

The fact that you are offering as a reward a baked good that you used as an example of the depths your cafeteria has devolved to leads me to wonder about the sincerity of your non-welching.

Maybe I should ask for a Mediterranean brownie instead. :p

malevolent andrea said...

Hey, I only offered because you insinuated that nothing with peanut butter could be that bad. I wanted to prove you wrong. :-)

Uncle said...

I cry for all of you. New job is good. However, no cafeteria. Thus if I don't like the catering, I have to look in the mirror.

OTOH, we had a Cinco de Mayo thing at the end of the day and between the leftovers and the number of people who will be on the road this week, nobody will need to bring lunch all week.

Taco, anyone? Sorry, not chocolate covered...there was some mole sauce somewhere though.

Anonymous said...

Not so...

I said "anything with peanut butter catches my attention", I didn't say it could always sustain the interest.

Kind of like a woman.

Well, kind of like Roger Clemens and women, anyway. ;)

Hey, I even passed up a peanut butter brownie pie at Joan & Ed's this weekend, in favor of a French Silk pie...

Though I've gotta admit it was partially 'cause the latter brought to mind intimate apparel, which rather heightened its appeal. :p