Monday, August 3, 2009

august "oh, hai"

I had a nice weekend, kids, and hope you did as well.

Lulled by my Glostahhhh co-worker's assertion that the water on Cape Ann is indeed now warm enough to swim in, I went to the beach after work on Saturday. And, yes, it was, primarily, however, because I was at Crane's beach which has that awesome sandbar which creates the little lagoon which is probably ten degrees warmer than the water on the other side of the sandbar. Be that as it may, I did go waist/chest-high, primarily so that I could perform nefarious activities. (Oh, c'mon, it's a big ocean and long walk back to that public restroom. And don't tell me you've never done it. And did you ever stop to think about all the fish that pee in there? I rest my case.)

Baseball trading deadline was interesting. After 2007 and Gag-me, I continue to be glad when the Sox do *not* go for August pitching help. Surprised Halliday didn't go somewhere, though.

And I think I have eaten my body weight in black olives over the past few days. Apparently my body wants salt and good fat! Give your body what it wants.



Uncle said...

If you wander over to my place, you'll notice that I spent some part of my weekend in the water, and I'm not sayin' what activities I might have done there. We're not counting some hyperextension in the right tri, because that was *above* water, haha.

It seems to me that if your body tells you to eat black olives, it is also a sly way of telling you to eat feta with them, don't ya think?

malevolent andrea said...

Is kayaking fun? It looks like a lot of work! :-)

Uncle said...

Sunday qualified as a "good kind of hurt." My personal preference is for nice, slow, flat water, frequent butt-resting stops and a critical mass of "facilities." Then it's a lot of fun!