Saturday, August 29, 2009

sitting on my typing fingers

I want to tell the Nevada woman on Rate My Space with the tacky conspicuous-consumption kitchen (two dishwashers which "are great for entertaining!", two bar areas plus another eating area, custom cabinets blah blah blah) who claims her Fiestaware is her great-grandmother's and "almost 100 years old" that Fiestaware first came out in 1936. By that kind of reasoning, I'm almost 70.

I also want to ask the woman whose 12 year old has that ubiquitous Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffanys picture from Tarzhay in her bedroom whether she's aware that Holly Golightly was a whore. Just because the whore in question was played by the ever-lovely, fashionable, and charming Audrey doesn't mean you really want your twelve year old daughter emulating a prostitute. Well, maybe *you* do. I, on the other hand, think it's kinda inappropriate.

And I want to tell all the people who have dinning rooms and cabnits that if you cannot spell *common* English words related to houses, perhaps you shouldn't be posting on decorating websites. I feel guilty about feeling that way, but it really torques me when people who appear to be functionally illiterate have nicer houses than mine. I think I was sold a bill of goods about what studying hard and getting a good education was going to do for me, I'll tell you what.



Uncle said...

We had Fiestaware when we lived on that island with the outhouse and the pump in the kitchen. I looked back on it as a touch of class. I've since learnt that it was made from radioactive clay, which explains much about me...and probably she of two dishwashers.

malevolent andrea said...

Fiestaware is classy. Also, very pretty. I can't speak to the gene-altering properties of the old skool kind, though :-)

Radioactive clay? Really? Woah.