Tuesday, August 18, 2009

brett favre?

Dude. How can I miss you if you won't go the fuck away? As I said recently in reference to one Mr Pedro Martinez, "Can't you just chillax and count your piles and piles o' money while you contemplate the next chapter of your life and/or your place in the universe? Please?"

In other news, I really am going to take a closeup picture of the leaves on my bush from hell and upload them, but I was distracted by other important matters like going to see Tori (excellent!), watching Torchwood: Children of Earth, and sitting on the loveseat with my laptop on my belly while watching ESPN. I'll get to it. At some point. I have to go get my chi adjusted, though.



Anonymous said...

You can't tell me that you haven't contemplated whether you'd prefer to see Pedro and the Phillies or Manny and the Dodgers facing the Sox in the World Series.

And since the Sox access to the Series is rapidly shrinking, you can't tell me you haven't contemplated which one you'd rather see kicking the Yankees ass.

As for Brett Favre, he's still the most fun to watch of any (more or less) current NFL quarterback. Way more than the button-downed pretty boy in Foxborough meticulously executing Bellichick's master plan for removing all the excitement from football. Wouldn't you rather see Favre pulling a Roger and showing up in the second half of the season to run roughshod over the NFC... particularly the Green Bay Packers NFC.

Note: if you get your Chi adjusted too often, it might break. Just sayin'

Uncle said...

There is already basketball for folk in wheelchairs. I think Brett is working on a league for football players in walkers. (I enjoy mocking the age of a quarterback who is almost young enough to be my son, by the way.)

As for the Sox, I'm sliding into pre-2004 mode, figuring that the Big Choke is already upon us. That way I won't be disappointed, no matter what.

malevolent andrea said...

I think the point about Mr Favre is that here is a man *almost old enough to play football using a walker* who nevertheless is doing his best impression of a nineteen year old college girl in the "ohhhhh the drahhhhhma the drahhhhhhmmmmmaaaaa" sweepstakes.

Conduct nonbecoming and so forth and so on. Please. You aren't that interesting, Brett.

Anonymous said...

Well, I suspect the people who're paying him to toss a football around this year think he's interesting enough to be worth $13 million for six months work.

Plus, it's August. What else are you going to watch on TV news? Crazed teabaggers screaming about government takeover of Medicare?

malevolent andrea said...

I'm tellin' you, it kept those people on espn yapping for hours and hours. When they could have been talking about baseball. Or golf. Or under-12 girls' rugby. Or something. :-)

Uncle said...

Mr I, *toss* is the very word to describe this man's passes for the last umpteen years. What happens if he has to work with receivers who think they have something to do besides stay out of his limelight?

"ohhhhh the drahhhhhma the drahhhhhhmmmmmaaaaa"