Wednesday, August 5, 2009

vote one more time

I bought new chocolate brown slipcovers for the living room this week (and a sorta beige-y stripy one for the chair--keeping in mind I hate stripes, but it was the only slipcover at Tarzhay that would fit this particular chair and I can't throw that chair out on the sidewalk like I might like, because the old man uses it when he watches the Red Sox). N-E-Way. I decided on new slipcovers because I decided new furniture isn't in the cards for this room for at least 6 months, not when every single thing I like is $2000. And I'm not buying some cheap piece of crap just to have a new sofa.

So, having the new slipcovers, which really do help, and the new paint color, and an awesome new lamp, and the mirror on the wall, I'm feeling this room is just about done for now. Except I'm looking at area rugs for beneath the coffee table and I decided (because I have these two wicker baskets in here, without covers, and full o' crappe) I want a couple of those storage ottomans to keep the crappe in, to go under the mirror on that emptyish wall, and to serve as extra seats in a pinch. I like these ones from Crate and Barrel:

which come in black and brown and cream and red and apple green.

So, I'm thinking there's too much brown in the room already. Green goes with nothing in the room. I'm thinking maybe black leather is too masculine or stark. Red??? I have a dark red rug in the adjoining dining room space, as well as some cranberry red accessories in the foyer which adjoins in the opposite direction, so that's definitely a possibility. I'm afraid the red of those ottomans might be a touch brightish though, comparatively speaking. But dark brown/gold/red is a nice color scheme, right? Or cream? Cream with dark brown and gold is nice too. Is cream leather too modern for my design aesthetic as you know it?

Vote on a color! Or, y'know, tell me to figure it out my own damn self.



1 comment:

Uncle said...

Comes down to red vs. ivory, IMHO, and how much attention you want to call to the ottomans. Ivory is going to blend...a lot. Red is an accent that has possibilities.

Voting out *that* green is self-evident; black is, well, kind of elsewhere, if you follow me. And I agree that with the brown you have, that's a lot of brown: two chunks of brownie in a large dish of fudge ripple.