Monday, August 24, 2009

Target fashion story, now with added digressions!

So, in the first of my three--count 'em, three--trips to the Tarzhay this weekend, I bought myself this gauzy peasant-y dropped-waited very loud paisley-ish top. Because it was from the Tarzhay, I went up a size from my usual, since (as my female readers know) cheap tat is often sized smaller than good quality stuff and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to fit my boobs in my regular size. Well, I wore it, and really, I didn't actually *have* to size up. It didn't look ridiculously big or anything, but it was slightly sack-like. (Though I guess I really shouldn't be worried about that too much, since I was recently approvingly told that a cute but sack-like dress that I wear to work could best be referred to as a goody sack. Which, I guess, Trick or Treat, little boy? N E Way. [I wasn't told that *in work*, btw, so don't feel like you need to call the sexual harassment police for me or anything. In case you were concerned. Because I know you people worry about me.])

Nevertheless, on my third trip to Target, I bought the same shirt in a size smaller and a different but equally loud print/color combo. I am wearing it right now in work with black yoga pants that I like to pretend pass as dress pants so that I can pretend that I am not actually wearing gym clothes to work. It is so cute/ugly I can hardly stand it. I feel like Mrs Roper. (If you do not know who Mrs Roper is, you are too young to be reading this blog. We have mature content in here, y'know.) If only I were wearing my bling-y gold sandals, this outfit would be tackily complete.

In other news, I think the reason my feet/ankles were swelling the other day during the cabinet cleaning extravaganza is that *somehow* I fucked up my right ankle again. I swear to you by all that is holy and unholy, I did not twist it, roll it, do anything unusual to it, walk anywhere in any shoes that I don't always walk in, or the like, but for the first time in months it is stiff again and slightly swollen. Son of a bitch.

And in other, other news, a woman on Rate My Space today said that she and her husband spend alot (sic) of time in their bedroom, sleeping, napping, and watching movies. Is it just me, or did she forget the quotation marks around "napping"?

Okay! Happy Monday!



Uncle said...

Oh, I think self-knowledge on the part of a portion of your audience figured out that the "goody bag" comment happened within the bounds of political correctness.

Why can't the rest of us have a picture?

malevolent andrea said...

You people have seen my feet and my (hockey) armpits on here. If neither of those things turn you all on, I suggest you work harder on developing new fetishes. :-)