Saturday, August 22, 2009

my favorite

...Rate My Space comment of all time. At least until something else tops it with stupidity today.

Regarding someone's patio, behind the gates of which verdant woodlands can be seen: "TOOO much green"

Um, yeah, Mother Nature really dropped the ball on that one, huh? Doesn't she know she needs a "pop" of color? Where's her focal point? It's too busy! Your eyes don't know where to rest. Bad design sense! Start over!

I'm pretty sure--not positive, but pretty sure--that the Rate My Space website is where people go to relax after a long, hard Town Meeting where they yelled themselves hoarse about Obama killing their Gramma. It all fits.



Uncle said...

It reminds me of a couple who visited us far too early in the marriage. As we toured town, she looked at the harbour and said "there are too many boats there."

This rate my spacer should at least be happy in fall and winter.

malevolent andrea said...

I *suppose* it could be worse...your guest could have looked at the harbour, sniffed, and complained there was too much water.