Friday, August 21, 2009

this morning!

I have a bunch of miscellaneous stuff to catch up on in here, which usually leads to a long post with bullet points, right? But since I am woefully behind on my blogging, I'm thinking that perhaps I'll just write separate posts and jack my numbers. (It's not cheating when you're making up the rules yourself. Seriously.)

So first I'll just make mention of how the day started out fabulously. I got a free taxi ride to work, dropped off at the front door like a princess, which you really can't beat with a stick. I thought for the first five minutes of the taxi ride that the owner of the taxi company who proffered it did so because he recognized me and knew who I was. Turns out he was just picking up wimmins, and didn't realize we were acquainted at all! Hahaha. To compound the hilarity (and the perfectness of the morning) he also thought that D--who is why he should have known me--was my brother and couldn't believe I was old enough to have a grown child. Oh, way to get on my good side, dude. Between this and the lady letting me get in front of her at Stop & Shop last week, I have some serious karma debt to repay. People are just being so damn nice and helpful lately.

Maybe everyone's just in a generous mood because it finally feels like summer (now that it's almost over.) In any case, I ain't complaining!


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